Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Mathematics, Religion and Life

Knowledge base that must be owned by all people on earth is to read, write and count. Therefore, the math (and language) are taught in all countries. Mathematics is very important so that the title queen of science. As queen, she serves the king (in this case is a science). This may mean that all require knowledge of mathematics. But many people think, is a mathematical science distinctive, complex and difficult.

Like the first time I like Mathematics at the time I sit in the junior high school. I like Mathematics Mathematics for junior high school teacher who brought me into Mathematics lessons that are very exciting. And while I make is to enjoy learning mathematics.

After I take my grade 3 in the guidance of a famous Bimbel. Subject of my eyes is only diligent Mathematics course. In addition to lessons has been attached on myself because I Tentor that support can make the learning process is very interesting and fun. Consequently I am grateful because I get results that satisfy the value Mathematics above average .. Alhamdulillah..

Until favorite subjects in high school I still Mathematics. Alhamdulillah in high school, I also find teachers who can make the process of learning Mathematics and enjoy a fun. Although often in the angry and often problematic, but I still responsible for the lessons. And, of course, especially Mathematics. Because, as my father told me puckish (in a sense are still responsible) are nothing but children must be the achievement.

SMA, of course we must think about the future. Where will the period I will continue my studies. At first I really want to continue to study at the Faculty of Psychology. Do not know why I want to be a psychologist. However, I have received this in Mathematics. Perhaps this is already the best way of Allah SWT.

Finally, I accept all of the field chest. Because also not accepted in the Faculty of Psychology. Maybe because I prefer the power of Mathematics to make way God gave this to me. Although my heart for the environment and not to support it.

But I continue to think and brood all this every day, every step I stand and move every second of time. Until I find a lot of things that make me keep thinking about all this.

If mathematics servant of science, can also do the religious life of man kind? One of the branch of mathematics is logic. Here, we learn not only the symbol logic, but also on the implementation of life. For example, the statement said compound with connected and (called conjunction statement and to symbolic?). Based on mathematical logic, the compound is true if the conjunction single statements are also correct. If there are two single statement, there will be 4 possible values of truth compound statement.

For example compound conjunction statement on Al-Quran Surat Al-Asr (103:1:3) states that "for the period, the man really in loss except those who believe in 'and' work righteousness ...." Based on the logic of mathematics means that human in losses if only the one thing only, believe it or work righteousness only. (may be on the table two and three), especially if they do not (fourth line). Spiritual and social life should be run in the balance. Firm by Rasulallah SAW "work for your world like you'll live forever, and work for “akheratmu” as if you will die tomorrow.

I realize that Mathematics is not only the course and working with a formula-a formula that so much. But we can apply Mathematics in life.